We are very excited to announce that the Johannesburg Central School of Biodanza will once again be hosting a festival for the community to gather and dance into JOY. The last one was attended by 96 people and was an exquisite experience, gathering in love and the most beautiful expression of what it is to be human. We have a wonderful group of students who are close to completing their facilitator training and we would love to introduce them to you.
To celebrate Heritage Day we are trilled to be introducing the Music from Africa collection of Biodanza music, a passion project that the Didactic Circle of SA in collaboration with the BDFSA have been working on for years.
Join us for two life affirming, joy infusing wonderful sessions facilitated by some of the top facilitators in Johannesburg.
Lunch will be an opportunity to connect with one another and relax in the lovely adjacent park. We invite you to bring picnic blankets and your own lunch.
9.30am arrival & connect
10am-12pm first vivencia
12-2pm lunch with optional talks given by our students
2.30-4.30pm second vivencia
4.30-5pm integration
"If we are living without the experience of joy,
it doesn't mean that it has disappeared. It has been forgotten and is lying dormant within us ready to be awakened and
brought to life again.... To be felt, lived and danced..... our essential link with life that is
rooted in joy and celebration."
Claire Lewis

R300 early bird ticket, paid before 30 August
R350 for the day
R200 low income tickets
R200 pay it forward- this will assist people who have no income to attend.
We would love everyone to be able to attend. If you cannot afford it, we are open to a limited number of volunteers to help with the setup and clear.
Banking details:
BANK: First National Bank
BRANCH: Killarney /JHB
BRANCH CODE: 256-205
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62843425093
ACCOUNT TYPE: Business Account
Please use your name and festival as reference.